Quick Progress Update

As I have not done anything with this website in the past 6 months, here is an update:

The last blog post here indicates that I released Beta 3.1.
Well, actually I have released two newer versions since then but have completely forgotten to put updates out here, especially since I removed the start page which would display this blog from within the program.

I don’t want to go into too much detail on everything that has changed since version 0.3.1, partly because I am currently working on the first stable release version.
That one will contain another UI overhaul, lots of improvements to existing tools and also some new ones which I find to be really useful.
When I have the time, I will probably do a blog post on some of the coolest new features version 1.0 will have.

So when will it come out?
I don’t know. There is still a lot of work to be done. Partly because it’s not just the programming, but because I also want to write a nice documentation for everything to improve the user experience.

So that’s it for now, hopefully I will have more to show in the next weeks.

Have fun!

Last modified November 25, 2022: Initial commit (b6747ec)